Monday 4 May 2015

Trigonometric Equations

Very, Very Important formula:
Trigonometric equation

Basic trigonometric equations:

Example 1:
Trigonometric equation example
Solution: We know that the Trigonometric equation solution therefore
Trigonometric equation solution
Example 2:
Trigonometric equation example
Solution: We know that the Trigonometric equation solution therefore
Trigonometric equation solution
Example 3:
Trigonometric equation example
Solution : We know that the Trigonometric equation solution therefore
Trigonometric equation solution

Advanced trigonometric equations

Example 4:
Trigonometric equation example
Step 1: To solve for x, you must first isolate the sine term.
Trigonometric equation solution
Step 2: We know that Trigonometric equation solution therefore
Trigonometric equation solution
Example 5:
Trigonometric equation example
Step 1: To solve for x, you must first isolate the tangent term.
Trigonometric equation solution
Step 2: We know that and therefore
Trigonometric equation solution
Example 6:
Trigonometric equation example
Step 1: To solve for x, you must first isolate the cosine term.
Trigonometric equation solution
Step 2: We know that therefore

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