Monday 27 April 2015

What is statistics?
 a branch of mathematics that provides techniques to analyze whether or not your data is significant (meaningful)
Statistical applications are based on probability statements
Nothing is “proved” with statistics
Statistics are reported
Statistics report the probability that similar results would occur if you repeated the experiment

Statistics deals with numbers
 Need to know nature of numbers collected 
Continuous variables: type of numbers associated with measuring or weighing; any value in a continuous interval of measurement. 
Examples: Weight of students, height of plants, time to flowering 
Discrete variables: type of numbers that are counted or categorical 
Examples:Numbers of boys, girls, insects, plants
  Which type of numbers (discrete or continuous?) 
Numbers of persons preferring Brand X in 5 different towns 
The weights of high school seniors 
The lengths of oak leaves 
The number of seeds germinating 
35 tall and 12 dwarf pea plants 
Answers: all are discrete except the 2nd and 3rd examples are continuous.

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